4 Illuminated Sign Challenges Solved With a Mini Driver and Mini Module

Every end-user wants their illuminated sign to be unique. When it comes to fabricating unique signs, finding a power supply and module that fit can be challenging. For instance, an engineer comes up with a sleek and unique sign design but a normal LED or power supply will not fit. Luckily, HanleyLED engineered a Mini Driver & Mini Module that are small enough to make unique designs possible. 

Check out these 4 Illuminated Sign Challenges Solved with a Mini Driver and Mini Module: 

  1. Small and Narrow Channel Letters
  2. Shallow Cabinets
  3. Routed Acrylic in-lay Letters and Tiny Serifs 
  4. Narrow Raceways

1. Small and Narrow Channel Letters

Short and Thin Channel LettersShort and thin channel letters can be difficult if you don't have the materials that fit properly. We recommend using the HanleyLED Mini Modules to easily light the sign. If it's self contained, we recommend pairing the HanleyLED Mini Driver with it as well. 


2. Shallow Cabinets

HanleyLED_MINI_driver_blog_photo_750x250You may not always need a mini module for shallow cabinets, but using mini power supplies will make your fabrication process much easier. It allows you to keep the power supply self contained vs. having to find a way to hide it outside of the sign. 


3. Routed Acrylic in-lay Letters and Tiny Serifs

Acrylic Lay In Letters When you think a module won't fit, think again. In situations like acrylic in-lay letters and tiny serifs, the HanleyLED Mini Module fits right in. 


4. Narrow Raceways

Narrow Raceway

Narrow raceways are no longer an issue when you have a mini driver. You can fit more mini drivers in a raceway than a regular power supply, making your fabrication and servicing process much easier. 

Don’t let the size fool you

The HanleyLED Mini Driver & Mini Module are both powerful enough for use in everyday cabinet and channel letter applications. So whether it's a unique or everyday sign application, you can engineer your signs the way that you want to.

Check out the HanleyPRO Layout tool and create your own layouts! 

HanleyPRO Layout Tool


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